Each year, an estimated 800,000 people in the US are injured by a dog bite and require medical attention. Sadly, a large number of these victims are children, and sometimes the attack results in death. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite injury, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your damages. The dog bite attorneys at Jacoby & Meyers are here to make sure your rights are protected.
Dog Bite Liability and Injuries
In most states, the owner of the dog is responsible for the attack. The owner’s liability will be determined based on their previous knowledge of the dog’s tendency towards aggression. This includes breed knowledge, training techniques, and prior aggressive behavior.
Dog bite attacks can result in serious injury. The most common injuries associated with dog bites are:
- Skin lacerations
- Puncture wounds
- Crushed or broken bones
- Infections from rabies and other diseases the dog may carry
- Loss of tissue
- Nerve damage, especially if the bite was to the face
- Emotional scarring
The emotional scarring of an animal attack can be severe, especially in children. While some adults may be able to move on from the event, other victims, adults and children alike, may be forever terrified of dogs and have repeated flashbacks to their attack. This type of mental distress is difficult to overcome and can be debilitating to some people.
Warning Signs
To protect yourself and your family from dog bites, here are some warning signs to avoid. This is extremely important if you have children playing outside. If you notice any of the following danger signs, please remove yourself from the situation immediately:
- A dog in its own yard with no supervision. In 2008, around 78% of dog bite deaths occurred in the dog’s own yard. Keep yourself and your children safe by never being in a yard with a dog that does not have his master present.
- Specific breeds of dogs. Pit Bulls, Akitas, Rottweilers, and Chows are the most common breeds to be involved in dog bite attacks.
- Multiple dogs in one group. Dogs are driven by a pack mentality, so even dogs who are usually docile can exhibit aggressive and violent temperament changes when they are in a pack atmosphere. If you notice multiple dogs traveling without a human present, remove yourself from the situation immediately.
- Dogs that are tied, tethered, or chained up. Dogs in these environments are often dangerous. It is important to avoid approaching the animal, even if it seems friendly.
These are just a few things to be aware of when being outside where a potential dog bite could occur. If you or someone close to you has been injured in a dog bite attack, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Once your injuries have been cared for, you can seek legal representation to recover the necessary compensation in a dog bite claim.
Please contact our dog bite lawyers today to schedule your free initial consultation. Our firm has office nationwide.