What is a defective product?
When a product is not safe for use by consumers under reasonable circumstances, it may be deemed defective. Furthermore, products may be considered defective when they are designed properly but lack the proper warnings and instructions to ensure safe use. If you are injured after using a defective product, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your damages.
Who is responsible for regulating safety in consumer products?
If any product is found to be unreasonably dangerous, the appropriate agency works with the manufacturer to institute either a voluntary or mandatory recall. Products are evaluated by the following agencies:
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is responsible for approximately 15,000 types of consumer products, from baby strollers to coffee makers.
- The Department of Transportation (DOT) handles automobiles, vehicles and related products.
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) covers food, cosmetics, and drugs.
- The Department of the Treasury monitors tobacco, alcohol, and firearms
What is a class action lawsuit?
A class action lawsuit is one “combined” suit which joins many people with similar claims against a defendant. Jacoby & Meyers handles class action lawsuits in which a defective product has hurt a large number of people. By combining similar claims against a manufacturer, a case can be stronger and more relevant than a singular claim.
When a product is determined to be the cause of injuries, the entire group receives individual damage awards. Class action lawsuits in the past have affected many industries, including big tobacco, automakers, vaccines, breast implants and car seats.
How can Jacoby & Meyers help me prove a product is dangerous?
The defective product attorneys at Jacoby & Meyers can launch an in-depth investigation into the incident that resulted in severe injuries or wrongful death. In addition to evaluating your accident details, our experienced lawyers and experts will search extensively to find important information concerning the research and development of the product in question, as well as the behavior of the manufacturer or retailer parties involved in creating, marketing and selling the product.
Please contact our defective product lawyers today to schedule your free initial consultation. Jacoby & Meyers has offices throughout the U.S.